2024 Goal

A world of craft, just a tap away!

At Hopsta, we celebrate the deliciousness of local crafts. Our goal is simple: provide an effortless way for you to save and rate your favourite craft creations and the places where you discover them. And the best part? You can share these delightful experiences with your nearest and dearest, because passion grows when it's shared.

Reviews come in three segments: personal, local, and global. Craft your very own list of favourites and embark on exciting journeys to savour new crafts in different corners of the world, guided by the wisdom of the local community. We believe in real reviews for real crafts and places, where authenticity reigns supreme.

Capture, share, and savour: Build a list of your favourites.

Sharing the love for craft is a breeze. Build your list of personal favourites, and then share it with your favourite people. It's your passport to the beautiful world of craft, meticulously designed to capture, map, and immortalise your experiences.

With this app, you can relish the memories of every craft you've encountered, all set against the backdrop of the wondrous world of artisanal creations. It's time to document your journey and savour the richness of craft like never before.

Craft beyond the pint.

Craft, in all its forms, is an artistry that transcends boundaries. It's the blend of passion, dedication, and creativity, whether it's in brewing beer, churning ice cream, tempering chocolate, or any other craft goodness. Craft is about the pursuit of perfection, the celebration of uniqueness, and the sheer joy of creating something extraordinary. Hopsta explores the multifaceted world of craft, where every creation is a masterpiece waiting to be discovered and shared.

Your Craft Adventure Companion.

Dive into a world of artisanal treasures. Whether you're into craft beers, local cuisine, handmade products, or unique experiences, Hopsta offers a diverse range of craft experiences to explore. Discover hidden gems in your neighbourhood or across the globe.

Love a craft? Don't just savour it in the moment—capture it! Snap a photo, leave a review, and save it in your personal favourites. With Hopsta, you'll build a treasure trove of memorable experiences.

Craft is best enjoyed with friends and family. Share your favourites with your loved ones, sparking conversations and inspiring shared adventures. Hopsta fosters connections through a shared passion.





Headers - Lobster Regular

Body - Neue Haas Grotesk Display Pro

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